Every month you will have a chance to gain early access to the upcoming round of We <3 Role-Play.
There are a couple ways you can enter to win:
The early entry pass will allow you to enter the event 23 hours prior to public opening which will be on the 3rd at 1pm SLT (public opening is on the 4th, 12pm SLT)
Got one of the passes?
You will receive a group invite to the early access group in-world within 24 hours.
There are a couple ways you can enter to win:
- 4 passes will be given for our "Customer Showcase" contest. (Monthly Flickr photo contest)
- Submit your photos to WLRP Flickr Group: http://www.flickr.com/groups/weloveroleplay/
- You must be wearing something from the current round of WLRP
- Tag photos with Month and year (FEB21WLRP)
*****Winners get early access to the next round & are featured in a post on our website.*****
- Submit your photos to WLRP Flickr Group: http://www.flickr.com/groups/weloveroleplay/
- 5 passes will be randomly given out on Facebook. Like our Facebook page and watch for details on how to win!
- 5 passes will be randomly given out on Primfeed. Follow our Coming soon and watch for details on how to win!
The early entry pass will allow you to enter the event 23 hours prior to public opening which will be on the 3rd at 1pm SLT (public opening is on the 4th, 12pm SLT)
Got one of the passes?
You will receive a group invite to the early access group in-world within 24 hours.